Continuous Improvement Program update

NAATI launched its Continuous Improvement Program (CIP) earlier this year and has undertaken a large analysis of the data collected through a candidate survey, an Examiner survey, Examiner workshops run since 2018, consultations with industry experts and the launch of a reliability study through a third party.

Over the last six months, initial work has started on the improvement of some the CIP’s key focus areas, namely the Test Delivery and Examiner Training & Performance areas.

Test Delivery

The candidate survey NAATI conducted between January 2019 and February 2021 has provided insights into areas of improvements around pre-test information and testing conditions, in addition to test tasks and test assessment. In the first instance, NAATI will leverage this data to start refining certification testing conditions, information provided to candidates and training institutions, and provide more opportunities for preparation through the provision of practice materials in the LOTE.

You can read some of the results from the candidate survey here.

Examiner Training and Performance

NAATI takes the ongoing training of its Examiners very seriously and sees it as an integral part of the rollout of the Certification System, its validity and its reliability. NAATI has conducted an Examiner survey in May 2021 and will leverage the data collected from 123 Examiners to refine their training and development, and to inform other areas of the CIP.

What’s next?

The next focus of CIP will be on test task format and assessment rubrics, in addition to prerequisites and other system enhancements. The refinement of these major areas of the Certification System will be informed by consultation with experts and the data collected to date.

Final recommendations on the project are expected to be available by June 2022.

If you have questions about the project, please contact us at

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