A connected community without language barriers

About Us

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About Us

We are the national standards and certifying authority for translators and interpreters in Australia.


Who we are

NAATI sets and maintains high national standards for the translating and interpreting sector, and it is the only organisation to issue credentials or certification to people who wish to work in this profession.

NAATI is a public, not-for-profit company that is jointly owned by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments.


Our mission

Our mission is:

  • to set and maintain high national standards for the translating and interpreting sector
  • to enable the existence of an adequate supply of appropriately certified translating and interpreting professionals, responsive to the changing needs and demography of Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse society.
Achieving this mission will maximise people’s ability to engage and participate in Australian society.

Our vision

A connected community without language barriers.

Introduction to NAATI

Here are two quick videos to introduce us and the importance of certification for translators and interpreters.        

Our Strategic Plan

There are four strategic pillars underpinning our strategic plan.

The certification system is contemporary, adaptable and well positioned in line with best practice and technological advancements.

NAATI supports the growth and sustainability of the translating and interpreting profession.
NAATI and its certification system is sustainable.
NAATI is a policy influencer and thought leader with a trusted brand in the community and the translating and interpreting sector.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan

In striving for our vision for a connected community without language barriers, we acknowledge that reconciliation must be a core part of our business.

We believe that we cannot be truly connected as a community without reconciling the past and creating a future that is inclusive.

Our Annual Reports

Find all published editions of the NAATI annual report below.

Current edition:

Are you looking for a translator or interpreter?

You can search NAATI’s online directory of translators and interpreters. These are people who are certified or recognised by NAATI, and they can help by translating documents or interpreting.

Note: People listed in the online directory do not work for NAATI. They are usually self-employed or work for a language service provider.

Useful links



Learn more about current career opportunities with NAATI

Our CEO & Board

Our CEO & Board

Meet our CEO and Board of Directors

Projects & investments

Projects & investments

Learn more about how we re-invest into the translating & interpreting profession.

Practitioner details

credential result