EOI: Translationz RPI Workshop

Workshop for non-certified interpreters of languages with limited or no NAATI test available.

Workshop content

Translationz has designed a professional development training that aims to support and guide non-certified interpreters of languages with limited or no NAATI test available to apply for a NAATI recognition credential.

Learning outcomes

The free online workshop will cover the following topics:

  • What is a Recognised Practising credential (RPI)?
  • Importance of RPI credential
  • Step-by-step guide in applying for NAATI recognition
  • Requirements
  • Open discussion for Q&A

About Translationz

Translationz is an Australian provider of professional translation, translator, and interpreter services for businesses, government, and individuals.


If interested, please click here to register an expression of interest for the next workshop.

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Practitioner details

credential result