Participate in Research: RMIT Study on NDIS Service Settings

Invitation to participate in research under the Perceptions of Interlingual Communication Challenges in NDIS Service Settings with CALD Clients: A Study of Interpreting/Translating Practitioners project.

The project is undertaken by Miranda Lai and Olga Garcia-Caro at RMIT University. The aim of the project is to collect T&I practitioners’ experience in facilitating communication in National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), with an aim to identify cultural and linguistic challenges encountered by NDIS clients who do not speak English. Another aim is to collect your insights into what is not working well from your experience in the NDIS settings with a view to improve efficacy and professional sustainability.

There are three ways to take part:

Recruiting participants to take part in an online survey:

  • If you have done NDIS assignments in the past, you are invited to take part in this anonymous online survey here. This survey will close on 15 October 2023 at 23.59.
  • Completing this survey will entitle you to 10 Professional Development (PD) points for NAATI recertification under category 2.15 for industry engagement.

Recruiting 14 interpreters to take part in online one-on-one interviews (approx. 1 hr):

  • You need to have at least interpreted for 5 years and done at least 5 NDIS related assignments.
  • Access this online form by 15 September 2023 to express interest to take part.
  • Completing the interview will entitle you to 10 PD points for NAATI recertification under category 2.15 for industry engagement.

Recruiting 4 translators to take part in online one-on-one interview (approx. 1hr):

  • you need to have at least translated for 5 years and done at least 5 NDIS related assignments.
  • Access this online form by 15 September 2023 to express interest to take part.
  • Completing the interview will entitle you to 10 PD points for NAATI recertification under category 2.15 for industry engagement.

If you have any questions, please contact either Miranda Lai (9925 3523) or Olga Garcia-Caro (9925 9920).

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