PD opportunity for Italian practitioners based in Victoria

Are you an Italian-speaking interpreter with role-playing experience and willing to participate in a professionally recorded roleplay?
The Social Work and Human Services, and Criminology and Justice Studies Departments at RMIT University are developing a suite of videoed practice examples to be used across several subjects to help students in their practice skills workshops. One of these role-plays includes working with an interpreter.
Participants in this recorded role-play will receive 10 PD points (category 2.13). To participate you need to be an Italian NAATI-certified interpreter with role-playing experience, based in Victoria. 
The roleplay is likely to be conducted early next year (date TBC), filmed at RMIT’s City Campus (Swanston Street), Melbourne and take approximately one hour. The case scenario will involve a social worker supporting and speaking with the partner of a patient in a critical condition in the ICU, following a motor vehicle accident. This case scenario will be provided to participants beforehand.  
For further details or if you have questions, please contact Jess Findling: jessica.findling@rmit.edu.au

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