A connected community without language barriers

Preventing Family Violence & the Critical Role of Language Services in Legal Settings.

Polaron Language Services have teamed up with Myriad Kofkin Global to host a webinar focusing on:  
Preventing Family Violence & the Critical Role of Language Services in Legal Settings.
The forum will be hosted via Zoom on Thursday 23rd of May 2024 at 10:00 am to 11:30 am AEST. 
During this forum, Myriad Kofkin Global‘s Founder & Principal Consultant, Maria Dimopoulos will host a panel discussion dissecting the crucial role of language services in family violence scenarios and the involvement of the legal system.

The panel is comprised of esteemed industry professionals from the language, family violence, law enforcement & legal industries. You will hear from the CEO of Safe and EqualTania Farha, Senior Sergeant at Victoria PoliceMaha Sukkar APM, Pharmacist & Migration Lawyer, Emily Dimitriadis, Director of Afghan Women on the Move IncMaryam Zahid and Polaron Language Services very own founder & director, Eva Hussain JP.

We will cover:
1. The impact of language barriers on accessing legal support and services.
2. Culturally sensitive strategies for effective interpretation and translation in domestic violence contexts.
3. Legal frameworks and policies promoting language access in the domestic violence sector.
4. Collaborative efforts to enhance language accessibility and support for the legal sector

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